
Building on the earlier discussion of technology-related cases, several additional decisions have shaped the landscape of cybercrime prosecutions: United States v. Yücel (1st Circuit, 2020): This case upheld the conviction of a foreign national for cybercrimes...

Environmental Crimes:

Environmental criminal law has gained increased attention in recent years, with several notable cases shaping this area: United States v. Lucero (10th Circuit, 2021): This case addressed the scope of criminal liability under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). The...

Emerging Technology and Criminal Law

As technology continues to advance rapidly, courts have grappled with applying traditional legal principles to novel situations involving digital evidence, surveillance, and cybercrime. Carpenter v. United States (2018): Although decided just before our four-year...

White-Collar Crime

Recent years have seen several significant cases that have shaped the landscape of white-collar criminal prosecutions, affecting areas such as fraud, corruption, and insider trading. Kelly v. United States (2020): In this high-profile case stemming from the...

Sentencing and Punishment:

Sentencing and Punishment: Recent years have seen significant developments in case law related to sentencing and punishment, reflecting evolving attitudes towards criminal justice and rehabilitation. Jones v. Mississippi (2021): This case addressed the sentencing of...

Case Law Shaping Criminal Law: 2020-2024

Introduction: The landscape of criminal law is constantly evolving, shaped by legislative changes, societal shifts, and perhaps most significantly, judicial decisions. Over the past four years, several landmark cases have had profound impacts on various aspects of...